Ward, currently a contestant on hit ABC show "Dancing with the Stars," was riding in a Honda Civic driven by an unidentified woman who owns the car, Los Angeles police Sergeant Maria Morrison said.
Hines Ward, the Pittsburgh Steelers MVP wide receiver was held at gunpoint by Los Angeles police on Thursday. Ward was riding in a Honda Civic with an unidentified woman, when the police pulled them over.
The woman whom he was riding with, had reported her Civic stolen when a restaurant valet could not find it. After a little searching they were able to find the car, but then once they found it, she forgot to cancel the police report.
"Early on Thursday morning, officers in a patrol car pulled over the Honda Civic, and they held Ward and the woman at gunpoint and handcuffed them while they sorted out the situation," Morrison said.
Once officers determined the car was not stolen, the police released Hines Ward and the woman.
I checked out Hines Ward Facebook page to see if he made any comments and here is what he said:
"I want everyone to know that this was a complete misunderstanding," The police were just doing their job. Apologies were made and it's now in the past."
It's nice to see that Hines is a forgive and forget kind of guy. It's also nice to see the LA police doing their job.
Wow the end it was a good story in the end good ... I like the attitude of Hines.